Dragon Ball Z – Cooler’s Revenge – Feature (Uncut)

Set seven years after the original “Dragonball” series, this popular anime show centers around seven mysterious dragon balls that, when gathered, will summon a god who can grant any wish. Filled with action, this character-driven saga has many fans worldwide.Originally released in 1991, the fifth Dragon Ball Z feature (a.k.a. Tobikkiri no Saikyou tai Saikyou–“Fantastic Ultimate Strength vs. Ultimate Strength”) involves the characters from the TV episodes, but in an unrelated continuity. Goku and Gohan set off on a camping trip with Krillin and Oolong, but their outing turns into a battle royal when they’re attacked by the minions of Cooler, Frieza’s older brother. Piccolo appears as a Nameck ex machina to aid Gohan, but the centerpiece of the film is the battle between Goku in his Super-Saiyan form and Cooler, who looks like a purple iguana in a football uniform. The various Dragon Ball properties balance slapstick and fantastic action; Cooler’s Revenge offers lots of action, and a rock soundtrack, but little comedy. Unrated: Suitable for ages 8 and up; contains cartoon violence. –Charles Solomon

Product Features

  • Saving the universe can be a tiring business! So after their big battle with Frieza on Namek, Goku, Gohan, Krillin, and Oolong decide to take a little camping trip for some rest and relaxation back on Earth. But their peaceful weekend is soon interru